Decoding Chinese Business Titles: Ultimate Hierarchy & Roles Guide

In the business world, it is important to address each other properly, and there is a whole set of business titles in Chinese based on occupation and position. Here are some that we might encounter frequently.

Corporate job titles

Chairman of the Board: 董事会主席 (dǒng shì huì zhǔ xí)

President of the Board: 董事长 (dǒng shì zhǎng)

Vice President of the Board: 副董事长 (fù dǒng shì zhǎng)

Board Director: 董事 (dǒng shì)

Shareholder: 股东 (gǔ dōng)

President: 总裁 (zǒng cái)

Executive Vice President: 执行副总裁 (zhí xíng fù zǒng cái)

CEO: 首席执行官 (shǒu xí zhí xíng guān) ; 执行总监 (zhí xíng zǒng jiān)

Manager: 经理 (jīng lǐ)

Operations Manager: 营运经理 (yíng yùn jīng lǐ)

Director: 主管 (zhǔ guǎn)

Consultant: 顾问 (gù wèn)

Functional roles

Manufacturer: 厂家 (chǎng jiā)

Producer: 生产商 (shēng chǎn shāng)

Spokesperson: 代言人 (dài yán rén)

Agent (typically sales): 代理商 (dài lǐ shāng)

Distributor: 分销商 (fēn xiāo shāng)

Wholesaler: 批发商 (pī fā shāng)

Retailer: 零售商 (líng shòu shāng)

Supplier: 供应商 (gōng yìng shāng)

Buyers: 采购商 (cǎi gòu shāng)

Investor: 投资者 (tóu zī zhě)

Developer: 开发商 (kāi fā shāng)

Contractor: 承包商 (chéng bāo shāng)

Accountant: 会计师 (kuài jì shī)

Business relationship terms

Superior: 上司 (shàng si) ; 上级 (shàng jí)

Subordinate: 下属 (xià shǔ) ; 下级 (xià jí)

The department responsible for the work: 主管部门 (zhǔ guǎn bù mén)

Immediate superior: 顶头上司 (dǐng tóu shàng si)

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