15 Chinese Phrases for Business Meetings

So you’ve landed yourself a job at a Chinese company, and are trying to navigate through the work culture and practices. You’re now at your first meeting and are trying to understand what’s going on, meet new colleagues, or even present your first proposal! Here are 10 mandarin phrases you can use to understand what’s going on during a meeting.

1. What’s your name?

怎么称呼您?zěn me chēng hu nín?

Might not be applicable if you’re working in a small company, or are meeting a small team

2. This is our business plan.

这是我们的商业计划。zhè shì wǒ men de shāng yè jì huà.

3. We’re projecting a 15% increase in sales for this sector.

我们预计这个行业的销售额将增加15%。wǒ men yù jì zhè ge háng yè de xiāo shòu é jiāng zēng jiā 15%.

4. Here’s what we’re covering today.

这是我们今天将涵盖的内容。zhè shì wǒ men jīn tiān jiāng háng ài de nèi róng.

5. Which department do you work in?

您在哪个部门工作呢?nín zài nǎ ge bù mén gōng zuò ne?

6. Could you repeat what you said?

您能重复一下刚才所说的话吗?nín néng chóng fù yī xià gāng cái suǒ shuō de huà ma?

7. Please sign here.

请在这里签字。qǐng zài zhè lǐ qiān zì.

8. Can we exchange business cards?

我们可以交换名片吗?wǒ men kě yǐ jiāo huàn míng piàn ma?

9. Let’s get [action point] done before the next meeting so that we can discuss further.

 我们可以在下次会议之前完成[行动要点],以便我们进一步讨论。wǒ men kě yǐ zài xià cì huì yì zhī qián wán chéng [xíng dòng yào diǎn], yǐ biàn wǒ men jìn yī bù tǎo lùn.

10. Could we have [action point] done before the next meeting?

我们能在下次会议之前完成[行动要点]吗?wǒ men néng zài xià cì huì yì zhī qián wán chéng [xíng dòng yào diǎn] ma?

11. I’d just like to clarify what you said earlier about….

我想澄清你之前所说的关于.… wǒ xiǎng chéng qīng nǐ zhī qián suǒ shuō de guān yú.…

12. Sorry, I don’t understand what you said, could you explain it from a different angle?

不好意思,我没明白您所说的话,您能再从不同的角度解释一下吗?bù hǎo yì si, wǒ méi míng bái nín suǒ shuō de huà, nín néng zài cóng bù tóng de jiǎo dù jiě shì yī xià ma?

13. You have any ideas for this project/campaign?

您对这个项目/活动有什么想法吗?nín duì zhè ge xiàng mù/huó dòng yǒu shé me xiǎng fǎ ma?

14. Do you have any objections?

您有什么反对意见吗?nín yǒu shé me fǎn duì yì jiàn ma?

15. Before we end, let’s summarise what we’ve covered today.

在我们结束之前,让我们先总结一下今天所讨论的内容。zài wǒ men jié shù zhī qián, ràng wǒ men xiān zǒng jié yī xià jīn tiān suǒ tǎo lùn de nèi róng.

There are many more phrases used in a business meeting, but we’ll cover those in a future post. We hope you’ve been able to pick up some basic Chinese phrases needed in a business meeting, and are a step closer to business Chinese fluency. For more key terms and phrases in business Chinese, download Bluente on the App Store and Google Play!

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